
Descripción de la App

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Test de personalidad basado en imágenes, sencillos y divertidos, sin hacer preguntas.

Know yourself in 3 minutes!

Picturenality is a personality test based on pictures, simple and fun, without any questions or tasks.

Just relax and choose one of the two pictures which will appear in random order, and find out how humorous, erotic, altruistic, balanced, romantic, creative etc. you are.
Share your personality with your friends on Facebook!

You will get the results concerning 16 aspects of your personality and a quote or an advice depending on your results. History is kept for you to track how your personality is changed over time.

Unlimited multiuser support is included on the same device. The personal tests for different users are kept separately for browsing, sharing or comparing.

You can compare yourself with your friends on the same sequence of pictures. Just use the same word on any device and compare your results.

Want to know yourself better? Let your affinities and intuition discover who you really are!


Picturenality is just for fun and authors disclaim any responsibility.
For information on risks and side effects, please ask your doctor or pharmacist!

Tags: know yourself, personality, personality test, pictures, self-test, psychological test, psyche, quotes, personal test, psychology

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