Ensemble Composer

Descripción de la App

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Una gran aplicación notación de música el compositor de la música para escribir gran composición. Con ella puede ser un compositor de talento en cualquier lugar. Como siempre y cuando tenga un poco de conocimiento de las partituras, puede crear música maravillosa simplemente tocando. Con Ensemble Compositor en su teléfono o tableta, puede grabar fácilmente sus destellos de inspiración donde quiera que ataquen.

-Import/Export in the industry-popular MusicXML file format, allowing for exchanging sheet music with other software (Finale, etc).

-Support for up to 15 instruments played simultaneously, providing capability for orchestral scoring.

-Uses midi for sound, allowing it to support over 100 kinds of musical instruments with a small app size.

-Export midi files or set your compositions as ringtones.

-Supports saving scores for future re-edit.

-Multiple levels of undo to make editing smoother.

-Switch between two view modes for easy editing and viewing.

-Share the sheetmusic or audio you create via email or export to printable A4-paper-sized JPG image file format.


!!!Additional features in pro version:
~Export to image file with no watermark.

~Adjustable scale factor for both views.

~Ability to add/delete/reorder staffs.

~Support for changing instrument and/or key for individual staffs.

~Support for muting individual staffs.

~Pro version has no ads.

~Supports moving to SD card.

~More time signatures(1/4, 5/4, 7/8, 9/8, 11/8, 12/8).


Supported notation:
*A variety of note types, from whole notes to 32nd notes and dotted notes

*A variety of time signatures

*All standard key signatures

*Pickup measure

*Adjustable tempo

*Multi-note chords and up to two independent voices per staff

*Repeat marks

*All accidentals (sharps, flats, double sharps, double flats, and naturals)

*Ties, slurs, and tuplets

*Many types of ornaments

*A wide range of dynamics, including hairpins

Thanks very much for reporting bugs to us!
If you have any thoughts about this app, do not hesitate to email us. We’ll keep improving it

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