Personal Loan, Online Personal Loan, Credit Line

Descripción de la App

Descargar app Personal Loan, Online Personal Loan, Credit Line disponible para descarga

Personal Loan App by factoB provides affordable personal loan to salaried employees. We provide loan ranging from 10,000 to 25,00,000 and tenure from 3 months to 36 months which helped many individual for various purpose.

We also considered new to credit individuals to whom traditional credit system has denied the personal loan.

All this happens in easy and hassle free manner with minimal documents.

We also provide value added features like

Income Tax Calculator: Added Income Tax Calculator for FY 2017-18. It calculates taxable salary, exemptions, deductions, donations, rebate, surcharge and accurate tax as per latest tax slabs for individuals, senior citizens and super senior citizens

EMI Calculator : Now you can calculate EMI with graphical representation of any loan with factoB and save calculation for future use.

PF passbook Provide your UAN no. and EPFO portal password to check PF balance details with EPF passbook without going to EPFO e-sewa portal

Gratuity Calculator : Calculate gratuity by entering your last Basic+DA, date of joining and leaving

News : Now you can view personal finance related news at your fingertips

Articles: Articles on HR and personal finance

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